Sunday, May 22, 2016

Wanting Life to Mean Something

How do you know if your life really means anything?  Or you're really making an impact on the ones you love and the people around you?

I feel like I do.  But how do you know?  Is it by how people return the gestures and favors you've done over the years?  Is it how well behaved your kids are or how your relationship is with said kids.

I sit behind a desk every day between 9 - 5 with an ungrateful and very annoying coworker.  I'm not out hitting the trails with my family or alone, I'm not paddling some serene lake or photographing the wonders of nature.  But I sit, work and wait.  Yes, I hate it.  Who doesn't?  You cannot love going to work every day and muddling through until you get home to do more work, dishes, scoop the puppy poop or laundry.

Yes, my life means something, my kids and wife make it that way.  But that's in general, it's not something down to earth meaningful as in I'm not out fulfilling my life's desires.

Ironically, when I was a young adult, my dreams were to have a family and kids so I guess in a sense I am adding meaning to my life.  But then as I became more of an adult and more stuck in the rut of life, YouTube doesn't help, I am now set on a new desire, a new added meaning to life.  To get out there and explore, see the world starting with whats around me and what's in our country.  I could go to a national park every year and probably never get to see them all in my life.  And I've been to three or four already.  It's a dam shame.  The only thing to do is plan and do.

How do you keep meaning in your life?  Or does it change from one year to the next?

Thursday, May 19, 2016

What's really needed in life to be happy...

I guess it's a question that has a different answer for every person on this wonderful earth.  I can only truly speak for myself and guess about others thoughts on what makes them happy.

For me, being able to do anything I want is what really makes me happy.  If I want to get up and drive four hours to some remote neck of the wonderful Pennsylvania Wilds, I can do it.  If I want to hike 15 miles over the weekend with a backpack full of supplies, I can do it.  If I want to rush down the shore on a warm Friday even to enjoy the sights and smells of the Jersey shore I can.  Being outside is what means everything to me, most of the time, and spending time outdoors with the ones I love only adds to the enjoyment.

I love my Jeep, especially when the weather is perfect and there's not a cloud in sight for days.  I can take the top off and soak in the sun and wind with every mile driven.  At night, the stars come out and when you stop at a traffic light you can really appreciate them, much more so then you would ever done when driving a normal car.  Getting the Jeep dirty on some forest road adds to the excitement and joy of life to me.  It feels vigorous and adventurous.  Just seeing the thing in the driveway reminds me that there's an adventure waiting for me just on the horizon.  Whether I'd be strapping on the kayaks, mountain bikes, filling the back with backpacks or just the family and our dogs for an evening at the lake, it really makes me happy to get in and drive it.

Another thing that makes me have a happy life is outfitting my Jeep.  Putting on lights, a lift and bigger tires are all part of the fun and adventure that goes with owning a Jeep.  You see people driving down the road and you think to yourself, they're either coming or going to an adventure when they're driving a Jeep.  Especially the ones with the accessories on them, those people really have too much money or time, cause they're always prepared for adventure!

Watching my family bond over a campfire is one of the things that I need in life to make me happy.  Some amazing times are told around the primitive entertainment of the fire ring.  My daughter or son sitting in my lap or cuddling with me under a blanket and one of them mentions seeing the man on the moon or telling me to watch the stars with them, is truly something that makes my life happy and I need.

Friend are truly something that people need to make your life happy.  Sure there's people living in the wilderness with not a soul around and are happy as a clam in sand, but I bet most of them would jump for joy at the chance encounter of a welcomed visitor or family member paying them a visit.  It's always nice to have our friend's, new and old, come by and enjoy libations and good conversation.  The laughter echoing through our house makes all the preparation and cleaning all worth it.  The sound of our children all playing together and laughing, possibly making lifelong bonds that cannot be broken is one of the sweetest sounds you'll ever hear.

The crashing sounds of the ocean at night, when the wind is just right and the stars are really popping... that is really needed in my life.  Holding the hand of a loved one while standing on the edge of a continent, while mother nature quietly and effortlessly plays you a song that makes your soul dance.

I guess there's no real answer, or definitely not a short answer.  There's lots of things the I need in my life to make me truly happy, not just get by, but be truly happy.  At the bare bones, my children, wife, puppies and nature are what I need... material things aren't always necessary but they sure help making the memories even more sweet.