Friday, October 16, 2015

Getting out while the getting is good...

This week my wife and I planned a night to get out and go for a bike ride before the winter sets in, but when?  The time never seems right and there's always soooo much to do to just get going on the bike ride.  First I have to get all the bikes out, fill the tires (they always seem to be eternally empty), get out the bike trailer which is falling apart at the seems, literally, and either needs to be replaced or rebuilt Tim the Tool Man style.

So we decided Friday, today, would be the day that we'll get the go.  And everything seemed to be working in our favor.  My mother was going to keep the kids and go to a farm to pick out some pumpkins and then we were going to go on our own, only two bikes!  It turned out to be not meant to be as my mom's car battery bit it, surprisingly started right up when she was ready to leave the kids with us and return to her sanctuary of her own home.  So I thought the plan was on hold, I made it home and then I find my wife in "Sporty Barbie" mode, workout attire from head to toe and ready to go.  This kicked my desire to bike into overdrive and we scurried to get everything together and off before we lost the light of the ever fading fall evening.

To the lake we go, as my son complains that he doesn't want to go to this park, because it's stupid and boring.  When asked where he wanted to go, he retorted that he wanted to go to the park with the parking lot that had the tall grass and the small fence, "don't you remember Dad?"  Indeed I did, especially since we were on our way there as it was.  As I pulled into the parking lot, he said, "yeah... here", like he pointed me in the right direction.  He can have this victory if it makes him feel better.

The last of the days light
We unpacked and mounted our bikes, ready for the ride.  But how far?  The sun was getting close to setting off in the horizon and we had to be out by dusk.  We made our way down the leaf riddled path, winding through the woods as the sun shimmered off the lake nearby.  The smell?  Amazing.  The best part of Fall is in the air and there's a surprisingly large amount of leaves already on the ground.  As we crunched down the path, the kids complaints left and the wonder of nature set in.  They noticed the leaves, the trees and the few deer we passed on the way.

We turned the corner, crossed the bridge as the sun was telling us that we weren't going to make it around the lake and we headed a little further down the path, right at where the big hill reminded us even more persistent to turn around and enjoy what we can with our remaining light.

We stopped at the bridge to see if we could see any turtles, but they were all home eating their dinner (begs to ask, where do turtles go at night?)  The kids noticed several birds bathing themselves and we ran down the bridge walls a few times.

As the light left, we hopped back on our bikes and headed for the Jeep.  Stephanie and Steven got a head start on Amanda and I, but we caught up very fast and the sound of Steven laughing and watching him try to pedal harder to keep the lead was worth it.

We did two miles in total when it was all said and done before the day was done.  Steven asked, "what are we going to do/go next?"  I swear, he's more me every moment than I can handle.  One of these days I have to teach him to enjoy the moment in front of you and not worry about where we're going to next.  Something I need to learn myself.

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