Monday, January 4, 2021

First ever experience with a Bear in camp while backpacking

This is a story from back in the Summer that I am just now getting around to writing about.  It's not often that I get to sit and write when I get back and with the hell of a year that 2020 was, it slipped past me.  So here is the highlights.

Well, we're home... It was a hot and humid, a shock for a July 4th weekend. Went to a place I've hiked with my brother in the past, a short downhill hike to a nice open site near a creek on the Thunder Swamp Trail. Only a mile and a half down. Steven was a rock star, was super looking forward to it. Amanda was thrilled to carry her new pack... within 5 minutes, the complaining started. She turned it around in camp and made me a really happy backpacking father my sitting with my wife and going over the map to discuss where we were going the next day.
Not more than a few minutes went by, the dogs went crazy, took off to the edge of the site, to greet a bear. A freaking bear. The dogs didn't seem to phase him/her much. The bear turned and went off. As we were contemplating what to do, the bear showed up again within 10 feet of my hammock. At that moment, it was decided that it could be a troubled bear, habituated to the site, and we did the NASCAR packing pit stop and we were out of there. Was getting very dark and there was a panic in the air. We bolted uphill to the car without a complaint.
We passed one other campsite, there was no one there, an smoldering fire was going and three tents were flat. I don't know if they were collapsed from a bear or they were never set up. I don't know if they were gone cause of the bear, or what. There were no other cars in the parking lot.
Steven was disappointed because he was very happy with our site and to be out camping. He got to use his survival kit to try and saw some wood. Without fail, Amanda had to poo in the woods, she's a trooper. The kids had Ramen and we had Beef Stroganoff. He was happy to stay, which is shocking, Amanda talked about the bear the whole hike back.
blew out her voice making noise the whole way up.
The ride home included tired kids, tired dogs, an amped up Stephanie and various displays of fireworks everywhere. We were a little disappointed to leave, but feel as thought it was the right thing to do. Stephanie's not sure of her future backpacking trips, but she's optimistic.

I thought that was the end of the camping season for my wife, but she knows how much it means to me and she loves the adventure as much as I do. So she picked another place the next day and we were off. This time car camping, but without any luxuries. We found a place that was nice and out in the middle of nowhere for us and we went. Once there we headed off to a swimming hole (Sullivan Falls) that we never knew about and it was amazing. The water was very cold and I was very nervous having the kids just wandering around the slippery rocks, but they were enjoying themselves and to me, it has to be most important thing. No one got hurt and they were having a blast. No electronics, no distractions, just mother nature's playground. It was great. At the end of a dirt road and we were there. Swimming holes, water falls, cool rock features, it had it all. The only downside was we didn't get there early enough and the daylight started to fade. We grabbed takeout at a local bar and headed back to camp. Set up the tent, got a fire going and had a great dinner. Kids were pooped and so were we.

I'm very happy that we didn't let a scary thing ruin the weekend. We got ourselves back on track and headed back out there. The way it should be.

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