Friday, May 23, 2014

In the rain at the lake

We're on the edge of Memorial Day weekend.  A weekend dedicated to remember all those brave men and women who fought and sometimes gave it all so that we would have our freedom that most cherish so dearly.

For most of the day all I could think about was getting out of work and getting home to see my family.  I had enough and was ready for some time outdoors with them.  Mother Nature has been a fickle lady this year, a rough winter for those who don't like the cold and snow and a very wet Spring with several major rain events.  But with the sun shining, even so briefly, we headed to the lake.  We grabbed some dinner from the best place around and headed off.  As the clouds moved in, we got to what normally is an insanely busy part of the lake.  But I guess the cool temps and the threatening rain scared all but several brave souls away from the lake.  We were one of three cars in the parking lot, a young family was trying to get out on the lake for a quick kayak ride before the weather kicked in.  I warned them about the impending monsoon coming but they rushed off and got a few moments in on the water.  While we ate in the comfort of the truck, he packed up the kayak and wished he listened to me, his words, not mine.

We noticed what might have been a brief window of clear weather on the radar and we were off to the next place.  We got out and had twenty minutes of cool, but dry time playing by the lake.  There were only three other cars in that lot, a couple of people trying to get their boats in before the storm and a few casting from the shore.  It's not the far off destination I dream about often, but it's all I need for a short, quick fix.  Watching my kids enjoy the simple pleasure of getting their feet wet, throwing sticks to our eager dogs and eventually tossing small pebbles into the water was all I needed for my day to end on a great note.  The only thing better was them asking to go to another lake... I only wish I could oblidge.

Like the saying goes, all good things come to an end, the rain kicked in, we packed up and headed off.

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