Monday, May 19, 2014

Being a Father.

One of the greatest gifts of all time for me is being a father.

It's a bolt statement and sure there are trying times, I'm sure in the instance that I go upstairs to bed tonight and awake in the morning the routine of my son asking my wife and I where "we're" going today will end in the same saddened angry voice that gets said so many times through the weeks that it's to the point where it's funny, in a weird sort of way.  It's funny I suppose because my wife and I know that he really likes school, probably not for the learning, but for the friend's and fun activities he gets to do throughout the day while mommy and daddy are plodding away at work.

Right now my wonderful son is having his back rubbed, another funny routine, by my wife like she does almost every single night.  He knows it's time to get to sleep when one of us comes in, he normally asks what are we doing, then we say it's time for bedtime, he flops on his belly and pulls his shirt up so that we can properly scratch his back so that he is properly ready for bed.  One last heavy sigh and a "I love you" and he's ready for bed.

My sweet angel baby girl asks for me to put her to bed, which is funny because her bedtime routine includes a dash of milk and as many songs as she can get out of you before you sneak out the door.  Since I'm a terrible singer and know hardly any songs, I muddle through a few and tell her I love her and that "daddy has to use the potty" and make my exit.  She doesn't cry or get upset, she just gets cozy and goes to sleep.  Maybe it's my horrendous singing skills, or complete lack of knowing the right words because my wife, who knows most of the songs, is in there a lot longer then I am and my baby is not happy when she leaves.

There are times throughout the day that can and will turn your hair many shades of gray, but in the end, when you stop working, stop caring about the crap that fills your day with stress, your kids can come through for you tenfold.  With a simple act of a good night hug or a surprising, seemingly out of nowhere hug, all that crap is gone.  I can only hope that my children love me as much as I love them.

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