Friday, May 23, 2014

Morning Routine

It's like the movie Groundhog Day with Bill Murray at my house every morning.  My son comes into our room, blanket and pillow in tow, asks for his milk, makes himself cozy in our bed and enjoys his morning milk.  You can guarantee that is going to happen every morning.  From there on out it's a crap-shoot.

His little routine makes me laugh every morning.  Sometimes it's a bit annoying because he comes in at different hours, ranging from 5 am to 8 am, depending on the day and when he went to bed.  If he comes in to early, we don't sleep well, if he comes in late, we feel so rested that it's like we missed some part of the morning, or overslept.

I don't think we'd have it any other way.  I think to myself, "when will this end?"  When will my little boy not want to cuddle in the morning anymore and at what point is he to old for that kind of behavior.  But that's one of those things that I'll relish now and worry about it in the future if I have to.

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