Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Daddy's little girl

When I was younger I always envisioned being married and having children to cherish and spend all my time with.  I wanted to share with them all the things that I truly loved so that we could do them as a family, sharing our time the best way possible, with each other.  One of those dreams was of a little girl laying on my chest on the beach on a beautiful summer day.  She'd be in a white baby outfit complete with cute hat.  Well many of those dreams have come true, I have a wonderful family and two wonderful children of my own, one a little boy and one my sweet baby girl.

My dreams came true when she was born.  We spend time on the beach, occasionally she'd spend an afternoon crashed out on my chest enjoying the warm summer breezes.  Watching her play in the sand and grow from being a small little infant to a toddler to a preschooler.  Each phase of her life so far has had different levels of fun and discovery for her.  The beach has grown to be one of her favorite places to be, although she's still quite timid of the actual ocean, but she's thrilled with the small gully's and puddles that form after the tide recedes along with the moon, back to the sea.  She'd run through there with the expression on her face that there is no happier place to be.  And she's right, when is it ever not fun to frolic in the warm summer waters on the beach?

She has gone from not talking or walking to being a constant discussion from the moment she opens her amazingly beautiful eyes to the second she closes them.  On most days she's outside, running with the wind, her ever messy and knoted hair bouncing behind her.  Her giggle is constant and fills the summer afternoons with happiness.  When I pick her up from school she makes me feel like I'm the most important person on the planet and that she's been waiting for me all day.  She stops what she's doing and runs to give me the biggest hug she can, laughing as she does and telling me how much she loves me.  When I come home from work and she's been home, I get the same greeting.  The feeling is immeasurable. 

When she used to not be able to talk I used to think about what she was thinking, now I don't have to think about it anymore, she tells me everything.  Every part of her day, every thing people say, everything she wants and what she's seen that day.  She's loud.  She gets that from me.  She's always telling me about what they learned about in school that day, they've been learning recently about road trips and has since been telling me of the places she wants to go.  She also gets that from me.

She's not even four feet tall but by far has the biggest personality and imagination of anyone I know.  She's got the biggest heart of anyone, no matter the size.  She's beautiful in every way there is, even in the times that she pushes my buttons she'll recoil with something hysterical to say and I cannot help myself.  Everyday I am thankful for her.  She makes me feel whole.  I cannot imagine a life without her and is by far the best decision I've ever made.

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