Thursday, January 28, 2016

Weekend Away Sans Kids

Although I never thought I'd get my wife out in the woods during the winter, the warmer than normal temps and the treat of having my parents watch the kids for the weekend was enough of a spark to light her fire and get her out in the great wilds of PA for a few day hikes.
We headed out to a place I've been many times in my life, Pine Creek Gorge and the surrounding areas.

Friday we took the day off, dropped the kids at my parents and bolted.  We made a beeline for Slate Run, PA and checked in to our room at the Hotel Manor.  Which is a very nice place located right on the creek, with stunning views and that real locals feel that you don't get at every other hotel you stay at.

This was a trip of both pampering, relaxing and hiking for us.  The winter grinds to a halt the normal fun things we like to do and easy get-aways we normally try to do in the summer because of work and the kids being in school.  The first thing we did was visit the first place we ever went camping together.  Which was probably not exactly where we were supposed to camp, but it was pouring at the time and we had no idea where we were and no one was around to say anything to the contrary.  With a quick ride down the road from the hotel, shifting the Jeep into four wheel drive for a little ice and snow that was on the road we made it.   I got out to take some pictures of the scene of the crime so many years ago and was alerted by the local Bald Eagle letting me know that this was his/her area and he was there first...

Back to the hotel to check in.  We got our room, which was a very nice cozy room with a view of the creek and a huge bathroom.  Since it's winter, we were the only people in the place other than two locals, the owner and a bartender.  Strapped on our hiking boots, zipped up our coats and headed out up another snow covered road to the Black Forest Trail.  We slipped down the initial hill and walked along the tall pines of the area.  Beautiful trees and a beautiful trail.  Down to the creek we went, where we were greeted with crystal clear waters that weren't completely frozen yet and plenty of icicles on the rock walls.  The babbling creek and wind in the pines was enough to lull you asleep, the brisk cold was enough to keep us moving!

We stayed and took lots of photos before heading to the our hotel parking lot and the other side of the creek to walk down the trail and see the creek from a different angle.  Which was equally nice, and surprisingly different.

Back at our hotel for a dinner in the dining room, alone, 'cept the bartender and two locals.  We enjoyed our dinner and some nice conversation without disruption.  Around these parts there's very to little cell phone reception, which is great for what we were looking for, not so great if you were ever to be in trouble and needed help.

Day two included a nice hike on the West Rim Trail which is just a little ways up the road.  Mostly snow covered and very cold, but it was a great way to get the heart pumping for the morning.  We were the only people on the trail, and on the road for the most part... maybe even in the entire area.  Just how I like it.  We hoped to reach the lookout but after going up and up and up without having snacks or water, we let the cold win and we retreated to the Jeep and headed on our way to the town of Wellsboro.

Wellsboro is a very nice little down and in the winter, you really know you're an outsider because everyone around you knows everyone else and you know no one.  Which is also fine by me.  It's eerily comforting.  We had a nice lunch at Pizza Hut as we waited for our room to be ready at the Canyon Motel.  Once done lunch, we checked in to our surprisingly nice, and large, room.  It was complete with kind size bed, huge bathroom, and small sitting area.  The motel really didn't look like much from the outside but it's quite nice once you're inside.

We unpacked, took a very nice nap and then headed out for the visitor's center on the East rim of the canyon.  Surprise, surprise, we were the only one's there........ and the only one's on the road to for the most part.  With grey skies ahead and a stiff, cold breeze we braved the icy path to the overlook and snapped some pictures.

Back to the Jeep and the warmth of the motel.  We ate at a local restaurant and enjoyed our dinner very much.  The bartender literally knew everyone that walked in the door but us.  It's nice to see such a great, close nit community.  After dinner we went two doors down and had some beverages at a watering hole and really felt not like a local, but enjoyed it equally as much.

Back to the hotel room for some swimming and tv.  We enjoyed quiet time, relaxing and felt like we had a long night, until we realized that it was only 7:45....

It was a very much so needed weekend away.  Ironically enough we missed the blizzard of '16 by heading to the woods.  This meant once home, we were greeted with two feet of snow in my driveway and higher drifts by the front door.  We had the kids back and while I shoveled my wife took the kids to the local sledding spot and everyone was happy.  No one ever wants to see a Sunday end but this one was especially hard to part with.

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