Wednesday, January 20, 2016

My son.....

What a difference a life makes when you have a son.

My son is a wonderful, fun, wild, hysterical, crazy, annoying and wonderful boy.  He can be all these things at once or one at a time or any number of things put together.  He's about as unpredictable as can be when trying to figure him out but also the most predictable kid going when you know what his next move is going to be.

He's what I've always dreamed he'd be most of the time, I finally get to roughhouse with him and have a catch, or kick the ball around.  He's a great swimmer and definitely a summer baby.  He LOVES the beach and the ocean, his favorite is boogie boarding.

His path to this age has been rough, he knows how to push his daddy's buttons like no one else and can do it at the drop of a hat, without hesitation.  I know these greys are coming out in force because of him solely.

He's not always been what I thought having a son would be.  I've always thought he'd be there to watch me work on something, ask me questions on how something works, etc.  He used to do that, he was always watching me, asking me how things worked, what I was doing and if he could help.  He doesn't do that much anymore, but when he wants to really help, he's a great helper.

He's amazing in school.  Which is surprising 'cause, I was never.  He loves his school.  He's the man about town in there.  Watching him roam the halls with such broad shoulders and so proud, it's amazing and awesome.  He's become a great reader.  He's very good at math and working on his writing, which is easily his downfall right now with school.

I know there's going to be a time soon that he'll be back to helping me or wanting to go camping with me, or head out on road trips to parts unknown, but for now he's not that way.  I struggle with this.  I thought he was going to be one thing, but I guess I never knew what to expect with him.  He's taught me things, he's taught me that I'm not going to know everything.  I'm going to have to figure him out on occasion with him, just like he wants.  I'm expecting to come to a crossroads where we'll be on the same page and although I know that day will come, it's been a (often) frustrating ride.

He's the most amazing boy in the world, strong like an ox, handsome as can be.  Funny and smart.  Adventurous.  Outgoing and introverted at the same time.  He's an amazing animal that I cannot wait to see unfold and develop to his fullest potential, but for now I need to just enjoy who he is right now, the good, the bad and the ugly.

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