Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The Big Leap...

Starting my own business.  A scary thing to say... let alone do.  But I'm doing it and going to find out just what this whole thing is about.

I'm nervous as all get out as I've never done anything like this before, although I've been told by a few that I should be my own boss and I've always loved the idea of working for myself, making my own way, etc.  Actually doing it is much more "real" than talking about it.

I've been without a real, full-time job since July and although I've been collecting unemployment and trying to get work whenever I can, it's not easy.  Going from making $3000 as a family to making $1000 a month, it affects you dramatically.  I fear shopping now, even for the simple things and with starting a business it just keeps pouring out.  I know, however, with every new opportunity there comes some risk as to weather you're going to succeed or flounder.  I'm hoping I'm on the up and up sooner than later.

So here I go on another chapter in my life, just doing something to possibly get me in a better place and make something of myself, financially and business wise.

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