Friday, November 11, 2016

Beautiful Weekend Backpacking Trip with my Wife

My wife and I had been planning on getting out for a weekend trip together, sans kids, but with the dogs for a weekend.  Amazingly there was a weekend we could put aside and it just so happened that the weather couldn't have been nicer.  The temps were in the mid 60's with nothing but sunshine and beautiful skies.u

We drove to Harpers Ferry, WV to see  the historical town and have some lunch.  We went to the AT Conservancy and saw a Southbound Thru hiker, all 100 pounds of her stunk to high heaven but she couldn't have been happier.  I think that's the story of the AT, you might smell like shit but you're happy as can be.

This trip, more or less was supposed to be a free-spirited trip, very figure it out as we go along.  So when we got to the conservancy we spoke to a volunteer who suggested that we drive to Gathland State Park then and hike South on the AT to the Ed Garvey shelter.  It was a fairly easy trial, rolling hills as opposed to the normal PA AT hike, where you have to start straight uphill first then it levels out a little.

The Gathland SP is pretty much already up on the ridge so the hike was pretty much gentle rolling hills and very nice scenery but no real views.  Which was good for our two dogs and my wife to enjoy as opposed to being a high mileage death march of a hike.

We hiked to the Ed Garvey shelter, just after dark settled in, there were plenty of people there already.  Since we were there late, we missed out on the opportunity to get a good tent site and found one that was slightly sloped and had a few rocks and twigs.  One of those twigs reared it's ugly head in the morning and pushed through my ground cloth and tent floor...  Not a happy camper with that but what are you going to do.

We enjoyed very nice company around an already roaring campfire and eventually made our way to bed.  The stars were out in droves and it was comfortably cool enough where it's not cold.  We forgot something cozy for the dogs, but everyone made out ok.  I slept great, Stephanie was cold (somehow) which was to be expected as she's always a cold sleeper.

Our plan was to hike out and drive to PA and hike a very flat hike, however unlike any other AT trail I've ever been on, there were no campsites to be seen in four miles of pleasant farmland hiking.  The evening couldn't have been nicer, the sunset was beautiful and it got cold fast.  We decided, to turn around and head home.  We'd go out to eat and jump in the hot tub for the night.  It was a good decision and enjoyable.

I couldn't have enjoyed this weekend more, I felt like a rock star.  I felt strong, happy and confident.  It's always nice to be able to get out, feel good and relaxed and enjoy your company and surrounds.

My only regret is that we never have enough time.  But I'm trying to enjoy the time we do have and use it wisely.

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