Friday, September 1, 2017

A New Puppy! And the Chaos that follows it......

Well we have had two dogs for 12 years, both were rescues.  My wife had gotten them during her previous marriage, one who was 5 years old and later a puppy.  Well fast forward, today the 5 year old left us about two months ago, at the ripe age of 20.  The then puppy is still here, fifteen years later.  There's not but one real complaint about either of them with the exception that the now 15 year old, Lucy, is a trash eater, if she's allowed.

After two months we started talking about getting another dog, we went to several rescue adoption events and like most people, immediately fell in love with all the cute puppies.  We eventually chose one and started the adoption papers.  We had our three puppies picked out and by the time we got everything in order, two of them were already adopted.  So we went and adopted the third puppy.  She's asleep next to me on the couch as we speak.  A 12 week old hound, boxer mix that is about as adorable as they come.  So far has fit right into our family and seems to be enjoying herself.

I expected a lot of things when getting a new puppy, whining, chewing, nipping, accidents and early mornings.  I expected my kids being super excited and overwhelmed with the addition to our family.  What I didn't expect was my young son and daughter's insanity tonight when I brought her home for the first time.  To add to it we had my other daughter's, impromptu birthday dinner with my parents, my mother in law and my brother.  I don't know if the excitement of the new puppy or the other people coming over set my kids off but both of them were out of control fighting for pole position over the dog.  They were constantly trying to be first inline for the praise and admiration over the dog and each other.  It was exhausting.

It's official that they love the dog and they are both exhausted from trying to show off and wear down the pooch.

I'm looking forward to their love continuing and the fighting for pole position calming down.

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