Thursday, December 7, 2017

Annual Neighborhood Camping Trip... and turning 40

What a scary thought it is to leave one decade and move into another.  It's only fun when you're 9 or 19.  I'm officially 40 this year and it's scary to think about.  I know, 40 is the new 30, but I liked my 30's for the most part and loved my 20's...  Nothing I can do about it and I'm going to have to change my attitude cause it's here and the number is only going to go up.

For my 40th birthday weekend my family participated in the annual neighborhood camping trip.  Most of the group aren't campers, and we're only in a local campground, but the kids have the time of their lives and us parents, well, for the most part we get to to relax a good deal and enjoy ourselves as well.

We set up at the Little Red Barn Campground in Quakertown, PA.  A nice, family run campground that is very clean and organized.  Everything went off without a hitch with the exception of my MIL's dog got off his leash, which led to some serious bushwhacking through the local woods to find him.

The kids all played so well and they were beat by the day's end each day.  We received the remainder of Tropical Storm Cindy on our first night and never received a drop of rain in my tent, the Eureka Silver Canyon 6.  I have since learned they discontinued that tent, not sure why, but it's worked flawlessly for our family so far.

My wife and oldest daughter planned a special event with the rest of the neighborhood that was there to surprise me for my birthday.  They got me to go away then surprised me with a banner and cake when I returned.  It was very nice.  I'm not one for surprises but it was a good one.

After the overnight Friday rain we received from the storm, we arose to a beautiful June summer day.  Blue skies abounded and everything was getting dried out.

I had a plan for the weekend and that was to relax.  While attempting this I had my MIL's dog, Eno, hooked up on his collar.  The second he knew I was asleep, that collar came off and he was gone.  I summoned my wife and formed a search party.  Off into the briers and thickets I went.  In shorts and a t-shirt I dug my way through the woods and was always just a step behind the dog.  Like he was just playing with me.  Eventually he came out to my wife, thank god, got him hooked back up and in the crate.  The afternoon went on.

We had a nice dinner and a wonderful campfire with s'mores and sparklers.  The kids did crafts and played games.  Everyone was beat and headed to bed early.

Sunday the festivities continued with playing in the pool and then packing up.  The weather was perfect and it was hard to leave.

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